Lo recuerdo como si fuera hoy,miro alrededor me pareciera que todavia estamos ahi pegados al televisor,de hecho desde ese dia hasta hoy cada vez que entro a esa casa y me paro en la puerta de la cocina parezco escapado de la pelicula volver al futuro,es muy dificil olvidar ese instante y el transcurrir de ese dia y ese año,muchas cosas confluyen para que el momento se haga imborrable, la edad,iba rumbo a los 13 años y era mi primer mundial lucido con conciencia plena con el suplemento de la revista el grafico estudiado de memoria,sabia plantel por plantel fixture horas dias todo absolutamente todo lo que tenia que ver con mexico 86. Nunca en casa tuvimos una cabala para ver los partidos de la seleccion argentina los primeros partidos de grupo recuerdo haberlos visto en la casa de mi tia que vivia a tres cuadras y media de mi casa,este nose porque motivo lo vimos con mi viejo en la casa de enfrente en lo del querido viejo Ever, y que bueno que fue asi porque eramos mas para abrazarnos y festejar y vaya si lo hicimos, la cosa es que la cocina estaba dividida en dos ambientes en uno habia una mesa redonda y pasando una arcada otra mesa rectangular con el televisor en la punta frente a la otra cabecera lugar donde se sentaba el dueño de casa,Ever fanatico hasta las entrañas de River Plate y gran contador de anecdotas y sucesos que le habian pasado a lo largo de su vida. El publico se completaba con el "leche" Osvaldo Ayzaguirre hijo de Ever y nosotros dos mi papa Esteban y yo ,seguramente si los recuerdos no me fallan Olga anfitirona de la casa habia engalanado la ocasion con una gran torta pero dejemos eso si no fue asi como una decoracion del relato. Demas esta decir que el partido en la previa era complicado Argentina despues de una preparacion dificil llena de dudas y con carlos bilardo sufriendo duros ataques habia demostrado coraje y pasajes de buen juego ante los rivales de la zona incluso ante el mas dificil que era italia,habia pasado en octavos el clasico rioplatense de manera escueta pero merecida y se venia inglaterra con lo que eso representaba tanto en los futbolistico como en lo social, su arma letal era su goleador gary lineker que no venia antes de la competencia precedido de grandes atributos pero a base de goles se habia convertido en pieza clave de los britanicos, argentina con un equipo cada vez mas aceitado empezaba el partido confiado y con buen manejo de pelota x no resulto extraño cuando despues de una pared media sucia entre maradona y valdano la pelota tomo altura y empezo a viajar hacia los dominios de peter shilton,lo que sigui despues es historia mil veces contada salto de diego y puño al aire del arquero,la pelota mansa al fondo del arco y el festejo del diez mirando de reojo al arbitro ante la protesta enardecida y generalizada de todo inglaterra,uno a cero y festejo podriamos llamarlo normal en la cocina del barrio,tal vez comentando si habia sido licito o no el gol algo que a esa altura poco nos importaba,pero ahi ocurrio lo fantastico lo impredecible eso que a los que tuvimos la posibilidad de ser contemporaneos y poder verlo nos llena de emocion hasta el dia de hoy cuando lo vemos repetido una y otra vez por la television, el negro enrique toma el balon detras de la mitad de la cancha y se lo da a el,años despues en cada nota diria a modo de chiste tambien como no va a hacer el gol si se la di servida ante la risa de todos, diego recibe la pelota y nosotros la tomamos como un pase mas algo intrasendente en la media cancha aun a sabiendas que el que agarraba la pelota era maradona y ahi pareciera como que el supo loque todos pensabamos y dijo ah asi que se creen que este es un pase mas o una jugada mas y bailoteo de pie a pie con la pelota mirando a su gps mental que le decia que habia que encarar de forma vertical hacia el objetivo,y ahi comienza el recuerdo mas vivido que puedo tener porque a medida que el avanzaba desparramando rivales nosotros avanzabamos hacia el televisor,cuando piso el area era comico ver como pasito a pasito estabamos los cuatro juntos ahi haciendo fuerza, llegado el ultimo instante ese donde maradona recordo a su hermano en un antiguo gol errado que le habia dicho diego como no lo gambeteaste,la pelota partia de su botin para convertir el mejor gol de la historia de los mundiales,y nosotros pegados literalmente al televisor gritar con una emocion unica,lo que quedaria grabado eternamente en nuestras retinas,consumado esto cada uno volviendo a sus lugares correspondientes para seguir viendo el partido ya sentados se escucha la voz del viejo ever decir "la puta madre que gol hizo este hijo e puta"como una forma de explicar lo inexplicable y de alabar con una expresion bien argenta la maravilla que habiamos acabado de presenciar.

I remember it as if it were today, I look around it seems to me that we are still there attached to the TV, in fact from that day until today every time I enter that house and stand at the kitchen door I seem escaped from the movie back to the future , it is very difficult to forget that moment and the passing of that day and that year, many things come together so that the moment becomes indelible, the age, was heading for the 13 years and was my first lucid world cup with full awareness with the supplement of the magazine the graphic studied by heart, knew campus by campus fixture hours days everything absolutely everything that had to do with mexico 86. Never at home did we have a cabin to watch the matches of the Argentine national team the first group matches I remember seeing them in my aunt's house that lived three and a half blocks from my house, this nose because we saw it with my old man in the opposite house in the old dear Ever, and that was good because we were more to hug and party and go if we did, the thing is that the kitchen was divided into two rooms in one there was a round table and passing an arcade another rectangular table with the TV at the tip in front of the other header where the house owner sat, Ever fanatic to the bowels of River Plate and large anecdotes and events counter that had happened to him throughout his life. The public was completed with the "milk" Osvaldo Ayzaguirre son of Ever and we two my dad Esteban and I, surely if the memories do not fail me Olga Anfitirona of the house had adorned the occasion with a big cake but let's leave that if it was not so As a decoration of the story. You must also say that the match in the previous one was complicated Argentina
After a difficult preparation full of doubts and with Carlos Bilardo suffering hard attacks, he had shown courage and passages of good play against the rivals of the area even before the most difficult that was Italy, he had passed the classic Rio Plate in the eighth in a concise but deserved way and England came with what that represented both in football and social, his lethal weapon was his goalkeeper Gary Lineker who did not come before the competition preceded by great attributes but based on goals had become a key piece of the Britanicos, Argentina with an increasingly oiled team began the game confident and with good ball handling x it was not strange when after a half-dirty wall between Maradona and Valdano the ball took height and began to travel to the domains of Peter Shilton, What followed next is a thousand-story story told by Diego's jump and fist into the goalkeeper's air, the tame ball at the bottom of the goal and the celebration of the ten looking at I reject the referee before the raging and widespread protest of all England, one to zero and celebration we could call it normal in the kitchen of the neighborhood, perhaps commenting if it had been licit or not the goal something that at that height we did not care, but it happened there the fantastic thing the unpredictable thing that to those of us who had the possibility of being contemporary and being able to see it fills us with emotion until today when we see it repeated again and again on television, the black Negro takes the ball behind the middle of the field and gives it to him, years later in each note I would say as a joke also how he will not do the goal if I gave it to everyone's laugh, Diego receives the ball and we take it as one more pass Something inconsequential in the half court even knowing that the one who grabbed the ball was maradona and there it seemed like he knew what we all thought and said ah so they believe that this is one more pass or one more play and dance from foot to foot with the ball they look Doing his mental GPS that told him that he had to face vertically towards the objective, and there begins the most vivid memory that I can have because as he advanced scattering rivals we advanced towards the TV, when I stepped on the area it was funny to see as step by step we were all together there, making strength, when the last moment arrived, where Maradona remembered his brother in an old wrong goal that Diego had told him as you did not gambete, the ball started from his booty to convert the best goal of the history of the world championships, and we literally stuck to the TV shouting with a unique emotion, which would remain eternally recorded in our retinas, consummated this each returning to their
corresponding to continue watching the game already seated you hear the voice of the old man ever say "the fucking mother who scored this son and whore" as a way to explain the inexplicable and praise with a very argenta expression the wonder we had just witnessed .